French speakers

You will meet qualified teachers and motivated guests

For nearly 25 years, our language center relies on experienced teachers in French language training and enthusiastic guests to offer you a unique experience.

Teaching team

is at your size all day long.

Dominique is the founder and the director of the school.

Your teachers are Cécile, teaching manager, Fabienne and Séverine. The teaching team is regularly supported by Véronique, Laurence, Patricia, Céline and Débora. All are university graduates and continuously improve their teaching skills.

Je m’appelle Dominique et je suis la fondatrice et directrice du centre. J’ai une formation d’orthophoniste. J’enseigne le Français Langue Étrangère depuis de nombreuses années et j’ai fait une maîtrise en didactique des langues. Mon mari, aujourd’hui à la retraite, a également travaillé à Millefeuille. Nous avons une fille. J’aime cuisiner, marcher et voyager quand j’en trouve le temps.

Dominique – Directrice de Millefeuille Provence



arrive after teacher’s departure.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the guests come to meet you and invite you to discover their passions!

That’s immersion!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nicolas, winemaker, receives you in his cellar for a visit. He is a member of a winegrowers community which proposes a fair trade model of wine “les Grappes”

Renaud, rapper, shares his passion for music and words,

Mathieu, theater actor, reads texts and poems of the French literature : his company,

Muriel, from the Atomic Energy Commission, informs you about France’s energy policy and nuclear energy,

Michael, tells you about life in the Gard region in the 17th century, and the history of bread, with many well-documented  anecdotes,

Gaëtan takes you for a walk in the hills of Saint-Geniès-de-Comolas and plays pétanque with great energy and motivation,

Frédéric, potter, receives you in his workshop in the village.

France, Alexia, Christine, Edouard and many others  share with pleasure a little of their lives with you.